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What is Prescriptive Yoga?

This personalized daily routine is designed to support your mental, physical and spiritual development. We start with a food and sleep audit, build in sustainable adjustments, then add a personalized and goal-oriented yoga and meditation daily routine.

Built from the ground up

I believe the truth is in us and that balance and peace of mind can be progressively enhanced when we make small sustainable shifts in our daily routine. Well-being is built up from the ground up, starting at the physical level, then moving to mental then spiritual. As an image, if we get 4 hours of sleep per night or have 85 gr of added sugar daily, meditation won’t be as helpful to enhance inner peace! If we work on the top end first, it’s a bit like putting water in a vase without a bottom. Think about a house, you need solid foundations first before building the next level: it’s preferable to address imbalances in “our structure” then move up.

Rebalance Food and Drink

Start by reviewing the food and drink resource section to identify any underlying imbalances such as too much added sugar, too little clean absorbable protein or poor quality fats etc. (free resources, work at your own pace)

Optimize Sleep

Sleep is the golden tie that binds body and health together. It is often underestimated and overlooked and it is as important to our well-being as the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Find quick fixes to optimize sleep here.

Daily Yoga and Meditation

The techniques used are personalized while being equally as elective for the stay-at-home parent, the time-pressed executive, the student seeking focus and flexibility, or the over 50 looking to delay the onset of aging, enhance sleep or reduce anxiety.

Daily disciplines define the process

We start by discussing your goals to keep in mind when developing the personalised yoga set: Firmer boundaries? Better work-life balance? Better quality sleep? Alleviate substance, food, and other forms of addiction? Desire to develop mental grit and resistance to stress? Looking to increase focus? Or simply more flexibility and core strength? Count 1 hour.

Then we identify any imbalances in the energy centres. There are seven major energy centres in the body that are connected to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Blocked energy in any ‘Chakra’ can lead to illness or disease at the emotional level. Chakra evaluation can be done through a questionnaire and consultation. This helps refine the best yogic practice.

You will be the one to decide the amount of time you want to give your daily yoga and meditation routine. You set the time budget, and I work out a sequence that fits. We can work with as little as 15 minutes up to 1 hour per day, for a minimum of 40 days. Sorry, there are no shortcuts.

Lastly I build and guide you through your personalized and videoed yoga routine that is designed to work toward your goals while balancing the energy centers. The videotaped routine consists of a short warm-up, tune-in, a yoga set, a rest period then a three-minute meditation. No experience or flexibility required.

Now begins your daily work and commitment to self. With personalized routine in hand, we meet either face to face or by skype to walk through the best 40-day routine for YOU. My job is to help encourage consistency with regular calls. These help keep you on track and give me an opportunity to refine where necessary. What is discussed on the call, stays on the call.

Post 40 days, re-evaluation against all the original metrics regarding your goals, chakra balances along with an overview of food and sleep balance. What benefits can you expect? Gentle bumps and shifts along the route to progress. See more detail on benefits here.